渡辺商事株式会社渡辺商事株式会社 Watanabe Syoji

Fundamental principle

Our corporate philosophy

For the people, for the company, with integrity.

Our future vision

We hope our food products make your days filled with abundant happiness and smiles.

We will continue to be your truly indispensable partner with our food products.

Our actions

The core of our business: Sincerity, certitude and growth.

  • Sincerity

    Our mission is to deliver safe, fresh, and trustworthy food products.
    We live up to the expectations of our suppliers, customers and all stakeholders.
  • Certitude

    We provide the best customer services, and we want to be your most valued and trusted partner.
    The consistent good performance of our staff is the key to gain our customers’ confidence and trust.
  • Growth

    We drive our corporate growth by continuous personal development of our staff.
    We always challenge for both corporate growth and social contributions.